On Oct. 29, 2012 Hurricane Sandy ripped across the East Coast.
As a New Yorker who had been present during 9/11, choreographer Melissa Riker wondered about the safety, integrity, and security of the city’s Battery seawalls.
Once the storm had subsided, leaving in its wake incredible damage along her home state of New Jersey and her adopted home of New York, questions began to rise about structure, power, vulnerability and how we hold or share information.
Does power exist in the structures we create?
In the way we withhold information?
In the walls and levees?
Or, is it in the vulnerability and reveal before the storm?
Now, think of a secret.
Where does it live in you? How does it move through you?
How would it reveal itself?
Venues Performed
South Street Seaport Museum, aboard the 1885 Cargo Ship, Wavertree, New York, NY (July 2017)
Fort Tilden Gateway National Park, Queens, NY (Sept 2016 & 2015)
Choreography by Melissa Riker, in constant collaboration with the dancers
Cassandra Cotta
Zachary Denison
Michelle Amara Micca
Zoe Allocco
Costume design and construction by Asa Thornton
Katie Down on glass and percussion
Michael Evans on mixed percussion
Helen Yee on violin and harmonica
Lee H. Skolnick, FAIA - Architect and Concept Collaborator
Pele Bausch - Dance Dramaturg
Kinesis Project's process is intensely collaborative.
Secrets and Seawalls has been created with the performers above and: Lonnie Stanton, Callie Ritter, Katie Brennan, Benjamin E. Oyzon, Hilary Brown, Zoe Levine, Andrew Broaddus, Jun Lee, and Max Olivier Steiner.
Contact us to book Secrets and Seawalls
for your park, site, garden or gallery

This work was made possible in part by grants from the Lower Manhattan Cultural Center, the Bowick Family Trust and generous individual donations. The work was developed at residencies at Gibney Dance Center, TheaterLab NYC, Adelphi University and Omi International Arts Center.